Meet the Committee
2024-2025 Academic Year Commitee

Mariella Francis
Hi, I’m Mariella, a third-year medical student at St. Anne’s. I am the Personalised Medicine Society President for the upcoming year. I am passionate about addressing health inequalities, and I believe Personalized Medicine offers a promising solution. By tailoring treatments to individual patients, we can improve healthcare outcomes, especially for communities that have historically been underserved. This approach not only reduces barriers to effective treatment but also, by better understanding each person’s unique biology, may lead to breakthroughs in treating rare or under-researched conditions. It’s an exciting and rapidly evolving field, offering the medical community new insights into human diversity and the potential to transform care for all patients.

Vice President
Chibuzor Franklin Ogamba
Hi everyone! I am Chibuzor. I have a background in Medicine and Surgery and I am currently reading for a DPhil in Population Health at Wolfson College. My research is broadly focused on leveraging genetics to explore drug repurposing opportunities for cancer prevention and treatment. I have long been excited about the insights that can be gained from large-scale population health data and how that can improve precision in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various complex diseases. I believe that this precision is key to our contextualising personalised medicine and the amazing fruits it yields for our continued fight against disease. I am also convinced that central to this idea are efforts targeted at more global and representative health research especially as the world becomes ever more a global village. I am keen to highlight the diverse contributions of various demographics of students, scientists and research directed towards personalised medicine in the service of a more holistic healthcare for all.

Eliza Copland
Hi! I’m Eliza, a 4th year Biochemistry student at New College. I became particularly interested in personalised medicine when I spent time in a lab investigating the genetic mechanisms behind inflammatory bowel disease and realised the new and improved treatments that personalised medicine could make possible. I’m really excited to be part of the OPMS committee and look forward to attending lots of events to broaden my knowledge of personalised medicine!

Susima Manandhar
​My enthusiasm for this field is rooted in my commitment to a preventative approach to healthcare, which aligns closely with the principles of personalised medicine. One recent academic development that exemplifies this is the use of polygenic risk scores (PRS) to predict an individual’s susceptibility to complex diseases, such as cardiovascular conditions. By analysing multiple genetic variants, PRS offers a comprehensive risk assessment that enables earlier and more personalised preventative interventions.I look forward to engage with this community to be part of the advancement of personalised medicine.

Co-Speakers Officer
Nicole (Xinran) Zhang
​Hello everyone! My name is Nicole Zhang, and I’m a third-year Biomedical Science student at St John’s College. I’ve always been deeply interested in the groundbreaking potential that personalised medicine brings to healthcare. With the rapid advancements in cutting-edge technologies, I am excited about how they can be leveraged to deliver more tailored treatments to patients. Driven by this passion, I am eager to bring in speakers who share this enthusiasm to contribute to the society’s events this year.

Co-Speakers Officer
Mashia Jaafari
Hi my name is Mashia and I’m a 4th year medical student at Trinity. My interest in personalised medicine stems from its potential to revolutionise patient care by tailoring treatments to individual genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. This approach can not only enhance the efficacy of therapies but also minimises adverse effects, promoting a more holistic understanding of health. I hope to explore how we can utilise the potential of personalised therapies further in my career.

Co-Educational Officer
​Adriano dos Santos
Hello, I’m Adriano, a master's student at the University of Bërn in Switzerland. I'm studying Sleep Science at the Neuroscience department. I hold a degree in Nutrition Science and I'm conducting a research fellowship at Oxford University under the guidance of Professor Stuart Peirson from the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi).
I bring a global perspective to personalised medicine, informed by my academic and professional journey, which includes advanced studies in Nutrigenomics and Pharmacogenomics at the DNAlife Institute.
As Education Officer, I am eager to foster a culture of learning and discussion around personalised medicine. My goal is to help others navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of precision medicine, where we transition from traditional, one-size-fits-all treatments to tailored approaches that address the unique needs of each individual.
I am particularly passionate about the intersection of nutrition, sleep, the gut microbiome, and metabolic health, and I look forward to working with the team and deepening our collective understanding of precision medicine.

Co-Educational Officer
Mingwan Lin
Hello, I'm Mingwan from Singapore, a Biomedical Sciences student at St Hilda's College, and I am excited to be serving as the Education Officer for the Oxford Personalised Medicine Society. My passion lies in the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases, with a particular interest in RNA therapeutics and their potential to revolutionize treatment. I am deeply intrigued by the future of personalized medicine, where treatments will be tailored to individual patients based on their unique biology. I look forward to working with the team, contributing to our shared vision, and learning more about the exciting advancements in this field!

Gene 'Zine Editor-in-Chief
Geetika Kumar
​Hi, I’m Geetika and I’m a 5th year medic at Corpus from Bangalore! I’m passionate about personalised medicine as it has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by providing targeted, efficacious treatments with fewer side effects for an individual. I’m particularly interested in the microbiome, immunotherapies, and preventative medicine. I excited to work with the team on the Gene ‘Zine this year to highlight some of the cutting edge research underway in this space, and hopefully widen the reach of the personalised medicine community!

Gene 'Zine Editor-in-Chief
​Hei Shun (Joshua) Lam
​Hi I’m Joshua and I study biomedical science at Teddy Hall. Originally from Hong Kong, I’m particularly interested in the translation of personalised medicine into tangible, positive impacts on our society. I’m excited to explore the novel therapeutics and diagnostics of individualised medicine and their impacts beyond the clinical setting.

Co-Events Officer
Sophie Marlow
Hi, I'm Sophie, a 2nd year DPhil student in Cardiovascular Science. I'm excited to be part of this year's OUPM committee, where I’ll be organising workshops, socials, and other events aimed at raising awareness of personalised medicine among students from a wide range of academic backgrounds across Oxford. My passion for personalised medicine is focused around novel genetic therapies and modulating the gut microbiota. Through my role on the committee, I’m eager to highlight the latest advancements in the field whilst collaborating with like-minded individuals to put together an exciting term card of events.

Co-Events Officer
Sucheta Shandilya
​I am a fourth-year (integrated masters) biology student at St. Hugh's! I am interested in immunology and cancer biology. I am excited to join OUPM and enrich my understanding of personalised medicine while sharing my passion with others.

Co-Publicity Officer
Emma Wilson
​Hi! I’m Emma, a third-year biochemistry student at Pembroke College. I was drawn to science for the way it equips us to explore the living world around us and see the complex interplay of components that underpin life. Personalized medicine recognizes the individuality of these intricate interactions, allowing for a better understanding of human disease and development of effective treatments. In particular, I am interested in its use for research into rare autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases in pursuit of new breakthroughs where traditional approaches have failed. I’m excited to work with a great team to inspire others to work towards a future of better healthcare for all.

Co-Publicity Officer
Amy Gillard
​Hi I'm Amy, a third year Biochemist at Magdalen and I'm very excited to be Co-Publicity Officer this year! As someone who has always been fascinated by genetic disorders, I am passionate about the need for the innovative gene therapies being developed in the field of personalised medicine. I look forward to working with the committee to encourage more individuals' interest and engagement with this field and to advocate for its importance to a wider audience.